Lifestyle: Surrounded by elegant established properties, within walking distance to Tallawong Metro, Piddington Park, The Ponds High School and Riverbank Primary, this home is ideally located to an array of amenities.
Accommodation & features: - Three generous sized bedrooms with timber laminate flooring, large built in robes and a walk through robe plus ensuite to the main bedroom - Modern kitchen complete with Caesar stone bench tops, glass splash back, stainless steel appliances and gas cooking - Functional open plan dining and living area - Undercover area, and easy to maintain rear yard - Ducted Heating and Cooling system through out - Contemporary main bathroom with free standing bathtub - Additional powder room downstairs - Combined kitchen storage & laundry area - Alarm system for added security - Single automatic garage with access from the laundry - Walking distance to Local Schools and transport option
Facts: - Available: Now - Pets: No pets preferred - Lease Period: Negotiable upon application. - Parking: Single garage - Cooking: Gas - Heating/Cooling: Ducted Air-conditioning.
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