Located only 5 minutes drive on the Mudgee side of Gulgong, this highly productive 20.09Ha (50 acre) established vineyard offers quality land, loads of water and elevated homesites with spectacular views over surrounding farmland.
Planted in the late 1990's the vineyard comprises approximately 6.7Ha of Shiraz and 8.1Ha of Cabernet, irrigated via a 61 megalitre irrigation entitlement from the Cudgegong Irrigation Association. Fruit produced is currently utilised by Leogate Estate Wines and the vendors are happy to continue to maintain the vineyard for a period of 3 years for new owners and provide cashflow from purchase of the fruit (net of costs).
Power is available on the block, connected to a large pump-shed plus there is a massive dam, which would make a delightful feature to overlook from your dream home.
Offering cashflow for now and with potential for a wide variety of agriculture, lifestyle or tourism pursuits your decision to get out of the "rat race" simply could not be easier!
To arrange and inspection call Andrew Blackman today on 0413 488 844 - you won't be disappointed!
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